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商务 图书
开发 xiaopeng qiao

中国食品门户网是中国领先的食品行业门户网站,内容涵盖整个食品行业,包括行业资讯,技术文章,展会信息,饮食文化,企业黄页,产品中心,供求商机。内容丰富,更新及时,信息价值量高,是食品行业每个人员的最佳选择。 中国食品门户网与多家行业门户网站如:全民业务网等建立战略合作伙伴关系,在资源共享,技术互助的原则下共同树立自己门户网站的品牌地位。 中国食品门户网拥有最专业的技术、服务团队,中国食品门户网将为食品行业提供一个极为方便、快捷的服务平台。

Chinese food portal is the food industrys leading portal in China, covering the entire food industry, including industry information, technical articles, exhibition information, food culture, business yellow pages, product, supply and demand business opportunities. Content-rich, timely updated information magnitude of value, is the best choice for each person in the food industry. Chinese food portal with a number of industry portals such as: universal service network to establish a strategic partnership, under the principle of mutual assistance in the sharing of resources, technology to establish their own brand status of the portal. Chinese food portal with the most professional technical service team, and Chinese food portal will provide the food industry with an extremely convenient and efficient service platform.